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Category: a11y

Hold My Bag

Growing up in the 70s and 80s, my childhood was chock full of microaggressions and microinvalidations. At school and at home. Most often related to my ethnicity, gender, intelligence, physical appearance, etc. Some classmates called me “Qaddafi’s daughter” for years, despite my family coming from a completely different country — Lebanon — a continent away from Libya. Often there were outright slurs too. Directed at me, but also bandied about so casually in day-to-day life and in pop culture. It’s appalling. I cringe when I attempt to rewatch many movies and television shows from my youth. We have come a long way but there is still so much work to do. We can and should strive to learn and grow. Which Lizzo has done recently and done well.

Following criticism that her new single, “Grrrls,” included the word spaz, Lizzo announced on Monday that she has released another version of the track with the offending lyric removed. “It’s been brought to my attention that there is a harmful word in my new song,” Lizzo wrote in a statement accompanying the rerelease. “Let me make one thing clear: I never want to promote derogatory language. As a fat black woman in America, I’ve had many hurtful words used against me so I overstand the power words can have (whether intentionally or in my case, unintentionally).”

Lizzo Releases a New Version of ‘Grrrls’
Photo of Lizzo by Arturo Holmes at the Met Gala

Nothing About Us Without Us

When situations like this come up, as they often do, I share one of my favorite resources.

What is self-defined?

A modern dictionary about us.
We define our words, but they don’t define us.

Self-Defined seeks to provide more inclusive, holistic, and fluid definitions to reflect the diverse perspectives of the modern world.

With the foundation of vocabulary, we can begin to understand lived experiences of people different than us. Words can provide us with a sense of identity and allow us to find kinship through common experiences.

Ableism and Implicit Bias

Unfortunately, ableism continues to go unaddressed in too many diversity initiatives. Kelsey Lindell has some excellent suggestions on how to avoid situations like these in the future:

  1. Take personal responsibility for your own growth
  2. Educate your teams  
  3. Hire Disabled People (For more information: It’s time for a culture shift where disability inclusion is concerned)

Read Kelsey’s entire post for more.

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The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

The Good: Not directly related to accessibility, but positive news nonetheless — Google and Figma are bringing Figma to education chromebooks. Figma has some accessibility issues of its own, but it is an incredibly robust tool that can be used to design accessible, reusable components in design systems. When I teach the front-end website design class at Minneapolis College, I tell my students that Figma is like Google Docs for design. And have them use it to build design briefs, mood boards, and mockups as I talk about how Figma can be used to promote accessibility.

The Bad: I spend a significant amount of time listening to podcasts. Unfortunately, even many of my favorite podcasters have not invested the time to make their podcasts more accessible. It could be that they are unaware of the need to do so, or how to go about it. Recently, someone in my network shared a great resource intended to help podcasters.

Your podcast should be accessible. But what does that mean, exactly? Why should you care? What can you do to improve the accessibility?

Podcast Accessibility

The Ugly: I’m solidly GenX. When I was growing up, I would have been awed to know that one day I would have a powerful computer in my pocket — or hand — at all times. But I also recognize the inherent danger of smartphones. And now a study bears that out.

Apple CarPlay, Android Auto distract drivers more than pot, alcohol, says study: A new study says driver reaction times using this tech were worse than motorists with alcohol or cannabis in their system.

CNET Auto Tech
Screen in car showing Apple Carplay apps
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Accessibility Tech News

Historically, Memorial Day marks the kickoff to summer in the US. A big deal where I live, in Minnesota, where winters seem to linger later and later. After a chilly spring, we are particularly ready for outdoor summer fun this year. And now that can be more inclusive. Track chairs are coming to Minnesota state parks! Starting tomorrow, they will be available for reservation by phone.

Track chairs are off-road, electric-powered chairs that can be used on designated trails within the park. These chairs can help visitors explore areas of the state parks in new ways, often on trails that are not suitable for regular wheelchairs.

MN Department of Natural Resources

And that’s not only in my neck of the woods. Lincoln City, Oregon now has free beach wheelchairs and accessible paths:

They found a way to make their beaches accessible to individuals with limited mobility, using the simple, innovative concept of roll-out pathways and free beach wheelchairs. The idea has revolutionary implications.

That Oregon Life

In other positive accessibility news:

A beach in Lincoln City, Oregon with roll-out pathways with free beach wheelchairs
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Global Accessibility Awareness Day 2022

Today is Global Accessibility Awareness Day. I first took part in 2015, at an incredible event in Copenhagen. Siteimprove collaborated with the Danish Association of the Blind (DAB) to arrange Denmark’s largest tandem bike ride.  The company purchased 100 tandem bikes. There were over 350 people in attendance. During the event, Siteimprove employees, members of the Danish community, and blind or partially sighted members of DAB rode for 3.5 kilometers through Amager Strandpark. Afterward, the bikes were donated to DAB. Former colleagues still see the bikes around Copenhagen occasionally. That was a wonderful example of physical accessibility. Since then, my work has centered around digital accessibility and each year I have celebrated GAAD in some way. For GAAD 2022, I have a different employer. At iCIMS, we are hosting our 6th annual GAAD event for employees. We are celebrating the power of accessibility with the delightful Sam Evans of the International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP) as our keynote speaker. I’ve created a “scavenger hunt” for my new colleagues — multiple-choice questions based on the accessibility topics in the materials we are presenting. In-person and online events are happening around the world today. It has been great seeing the movement and practice grow but there is still so much work to do.

Sighted and blind or partially sighted people riding tandem bikes together for GAAD 2015 in Copenhagen, Denmark
My former colleague, Keith Bundy, wearing a t-shirt with the words Ask Me About A11y for GAAD 2018, while being interviewed by a reporter
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Spring Twin Cities Arts and Disability Forum: Disability in Power

My pal Jes Reyes will be part of this upcoming virtual event:

The Metropolitan Regional Arts Council invites you to join the Arts & Disability Forum: Disability in Power on Tuesday, May 24th from 6-7pm. Join MRAC, Mai Thor, Jes Reyes, and Bryan Boyce to explore the imperative and impact of people with disabilities in positions of power.

This hour-long virtual event is appropriate for arts groups seeking to be more accessible, arts groups serving and/or made up of people with disabilities, and individual artists with disabilities who want to learn strategies from peers to embrace and uplift their inherent power.

MRAC Zoom Registration
metro regional arts council arts & disability forum: disability in power with three headshots of Jes Reyes, Mai Thor, and Bryan Boyce Tuesday, May 24, 6-7pm
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Neurodiversity Career Connector

April was Autism Acceptance month, but neurodivergent people need to be accepted all year round. So I was happy to read about a newly launched job site. It was created to help neurodivergent folks find meaningful work without barriers. The job search and job interviews, in particular, can be difficult. Neurodivergent applicants often feel overwhelmed and misunderstood. But this site aims to connect employers interested in more inclusive hiring with neurodiverse candidates seeking employment.

…the Neurodiversity Career Connector features job listings by U.S. employers seeking applicants with autism spectrum disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), dyslexia and other conditions associated with neurodivergent, or atypical, brain functioning.

Microsoft Features

If neurodivergent candidates can make it through the door, they have so much to offer employers! From Dr. Nancy Doyle’s site:

Neurodiversity can be a competitive advantage when the individuals are in the right environment, making use of their strengths, instead of constantly trying to overcome challenges. To achieve this we must create inclusive spaces to work and learn that reduce disabling factors and amplify diverse abilities.

Genius Within
neurodiversity chart of attributes by condition

If you want to learn more, check out this podcast episode “Addressing the Needs of Neurodiverse Individuals in the Workplace: an Interview with Dr. Nancy Doyle.” If you follow that link, a full transcript is available on the page as well.

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Roundup of Recent A11Y Resources

For the past few years, I’ve been using Firefox’s pocket app. It’s handy to keep track of articles, posts, and resources I may not have time to explore in the moment, but want to revisit later. I use pocket a lot. From my both mobile and my laptop. Thankfully, tags can be employed so it’s easier to sort by topic later. One tag I bust out a lot is a11y, naturally. Here are some noteworthy accessibility-related posts I’ve saved recently.

That last one is particularly good if you are unfamiliar with Christine Miserandino’s Spoon Theory. And may be relevant to even more of us since the pandemic started.

Illustration of 11 grayed out spoons with one white spoon
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A Personal Introduction into Accessibility

The User Experience Professionals Association of Minnesota (UXPA-MN) is a community of user-centered advocates. I’m a member and a fan. Their April event is being held this Thursday.

Please join us at UXPA for a conversation on accessibility with our wonderful guests who are passionate and seasoned a11y advocates.

We will talk about the Journey from UX to a11y – infusing a11y into daily life as a UX professional. Usability and accessibility are not separated from each other, and as designers we need to learn to be more inclusive in the design process. We will also touch on the future of accessibility, a11y and UX ways of working, and better ways to measure a11y.

Minnesota UXPA

Follow this link to register for the event.

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Cognitive Accessibility

I’ve been following self-declared “Accessibility Old Timer” Gareth Ford Williams for a while now. The deeper I get into my accessibility journey, the more time I spend thinking about cognitive accessibility. In particular, how we can build digital experiences without barriers for neurodivergent folks like myself and my son. Gareth has put together this helpful guide: A Cognitive perspective on UX Design Principles, which includes a neurodivergent perspective with links to relevant guidance and resources. Recently, the W3C also put out the web version of Making Content Usable for People with Cognitive and Learning Disabilities. Depending on how neurodiversity is defined, between 10 and 30 percent of the population has a neurodivergent trait. Cognitive design principles can lead to better user experiences for all, without leaving so many people behind.

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